Academic Search Complete contains over 13,800 indexed and abstracted journals, 9,00 full-text journals, and full-text articles from more than 7,800 scholarly, peer-reviewed journals covering a multitude of academic subjects.
Database for those seeking contextual information and opinions on debated social issues. Contains topic overviews, full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, statistics, images, videos, and audio files.
JSTOR provides access to many full-text and abstract scholarly articles and historical resources. JSTOR archives journals on the following subjects: Philosophy, Archaeology, Asian Studies, Classic Studies, History, Political Science, Art & Art History, Education, Law, Language & Literature, and Music.
OER Commons is a dynamic library of textbooks, assessments, activities, labs, case studies, instructional materials, primary sources, readings, reference, simulations, video lectures, etc. Subjects included: Arts and Humanities, Business, Communications, Education, English, History, Life Sciences, Mathematics, and Social Sciences.
This database is provided by the Texas State Library & Archives Commission.
Books range from crafting to non-fiction to fiction and everything inbetween.
This is limited to users in the state of Texas.
Very mobile-friendly.
New / Trial Databases
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
The American Journal of Law and Equality seeks articles from a variety of perspectives that examine legal issues involving equality and discrimination in all their forms. Submissions might address issues involving economic equality, race, gender, disability, religion, political viewpoint, geography, gender identity, sexual orientation, or other categories involving categorization of human beings. Diverse approaches and points of view are welcome, and submissions may draw on history, economics, political philosophy, and more. Submissions should be between 10,000-26,000 words, including footnotes.
Data collected across the United States, tracking police violence. The website also includes data on Fatal Encounters and Fatal Force by law enforcement.
MAPP is a teaching and research project that focuses on bringing book publishers back into the study of modernism by digitizing and contextualizing their archives. The project examines the rapid growth of the publishing industry between 1900-1950, highlighting how modernist publishers helped elevate diverse and innovative voices during a period of significant global change.