An open-access publishing collaborative that is supported by the efforts of more than 200 scholars who serve in various editorial roles, including journal and book series editors, editorial staff, reviewers, and editorial board members. It is widely regarded as the leading website supporting the use of writing and speaking in courses across the curriculum.
Database for those seeking contextual information and opinions on debated social issues. Contains topic overviews, full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, statistics, images, videos, and audio files.
Public Agenda, an innovative public opinion research and public engagement organization, works to strengthen our democracy's capacity to tackle tough public policy issues.
The Urban Institute gathers data, conducts research, evaluates programs, offers technical assistance overseas, and educates Americans on social and economic issues to foster sound public policy and effective government.
Parliamentary Debate, Topics and Topic Interpretation, Argument Theory, Case Construction, Arguing Against the Proposition Case, Evidence and Research, Opposition Strategy, Parliamentary Points, Skills, and Tournament Administration and Topic Selection.
Methods of Argumentative Support, The Question of Critical Thinking, Versions of Cause, the Force of Assumed Action, and Expanding the Argumentative Domain.
Wiley College. The Kitten, 1930. Marshall: Alpha Phi Omega 1930. Print. Special Collections, Thomas Winston Cole, Sr., Library.
Wiley College. The Kitten, 1936. Marshall: The Varsity. Print. Special Collections, Thomas Winston Cole, Sr., Library.