Circulation is the means by which library users are able to borrow library materials. The Circulation Desk is located on the first floor and is supervised by the Library Coordinator.
Patron Eligibility
Borrow eligibility is established by means of a current College Identification Card. Community patrons may borrow resources form the Library upon presentation of a valid driver’s license and completion of a library registration form. All patrons must present an identification card each time materials are to be charged out. Library patrons who are NOT in good standing, e.g., those with unpaid fines or fees charged against their card, un-returned materials, or those who violate library policies may NOT borrow any materials and their use of the library may be restricted by the Director of Library Services
Circulation Privileges
Faculty/Staff |
Students |
Alumni |
Community/TexShare |
General Collection |
Check out Limit |
50 |
25 |
10 |
10 |
Check-out Period |
90 days |
30 days |
14 days |
14 days |
# of Renewals |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Renewal Period |
14 days |
14 days |
14 days |
14 days |
Fines |
$.10/day |
$.10/day |
$.10/day |
$.10/day |
Audio/Visual |
Check-out Limit |
4 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Check-out Period |
7 days |
7 days |
7 days |
3 days |
# of Renewals |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
Renewal Period |
14 days |
14 days |
14 days |
N/A |
Fines |
$.10/day |
$.10/day |
$.10/day |
$.10/day |
Journals/ Periodicals |
Check-out Limit |
5 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Check-out Period |
3 hours |
2 hours |
2 hours |
2 hours |
# of Renewals |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Renewal Period |
3 hours |
2 hours |
2 hours |
2 hours |
Fines |
$2.00/day |
$2.00/day |
$2.00/day |
$2.00/day |
Reserve |
Check-out Limit |
5 |
3 |
Non-Circulating for Alumni, TexShare, and Community Borrowers |
Check-out Period |
3 hours |
2 hours |
# of Renewals |
1 |
1 |
Renewal Period |
3 hours |
2 hours |
Fines |
$2.00/day |
$2.00/day |
Archives, Rare Books, and Reference materials are non-circulating.
The Thomas W. Cole, Sr. Library provides over 25 computers available to students, faculty, and staff. Library computers are primarily for research, business, and study purposes. Other reasonable uses are permitted, such as brief e-mail checks and surfing the internet. However, users of these applications may be asked to relinquish use of the computer by any library staff member on duty when demand for primary applications is indicated.
Patrons are requested to save their files by providing their own thumb/flash drives, NOT on the library's computers. The library is not responsible for damage to patron data resulting from library use. The library’s computers are not to be used to create, transmit, print, or otherwise distribute pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit materials, or racist, sexist, or homophobic materials.
Any damage to the hardware, software, or network infrastructure, as well as illegal activities, may result in loss of library privileges, legal action, or both.
Please remember, library staff members are not IT professionals. Library staff is able to provide some technical assistance but all serious IT matters should be directed to IT via the IT Help Desk Ticket System.
Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a transaction in which the library patron may borrow a library resource not currently held at our library from an outside library. Patrons from other libraries may also borrow library resources from the Cole Library. Usually, it is a reciprocal relationship unless otherwise stated in that library’s lending policies. Any librarian or a designated representative may accept and fill ILL requests.
Books through Interlibrary Loan are primarily made available to faculty and students in upper level courses or engaged in research projects with approval from their professors. The library will retrieve copies of articles from participating institutions for all students, faculty, and staff.
You may also submit a request on the ILL page.
Library Instruction
Instructional Services include training and assisting students to use all facets of the library’s information, equipment, and its online resources. Instructional Services are designed to teach library research skills, information literacy, and how to access bibliographic information and other resources. This service is available to students, Organizational Management Program (OMP) and Criminal Justice Administration (CJA) adult degree completion students, faculty, staff, alumni, and Wiley University board members.
The goals of Library Instruction are to ensure patrons:
1. Gain a working knowledge of the Thomas Winston Cole, Sr. Library.
2. Become skilled in research techniques that will enable them to use the library more effectively.
3. Develop a systematic method of research that can then be applied in any chosen field.
If you need library instruction for your class, the librarians can create a customized lesson for a specific assignment or on a particular topic including:
Essential Research Skills
Work with a librarian to design an instruction session based on a specific assignment or skill
The Library offers in-person and online individual session(s) with a librarian:
Library patrons may use library printers and copiers for free. Library patrons may also print from their personal device, ie laptop and/or cell phone. Please see library staff for instructions on using your personal device for printing.
While the main library printer does scan, library patrons must provide/use a jumpdrive/thumbdrive to save scan as the printer does not email out scans.
Currently, the library does not offer any faxing services.
Reference Services
Reference Services help students and faculty locate information for research, assist in using the correct citation styles (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian), as well as general academic help (brainstorming and organizing a paper).
For Reference Services during the day, please seek out Ms. Elizabeth Bradshaw. For Reference Services during the evening, please visit the Circulation Desk.
For students wanting to set up an appointment, please email ahead to confirm a time.
Room Reservation
The Thomas W. Cole, Sr. Library has the following areas that may be reserved:
3 study rooms featuring a digital collaboration table (fits 6 people) [Available to students, staff, and faculty]
Wiley Alumni Room [Available to Faculty, Staff, and campus organizations]
2nd floor computer lab [Available to Faculty and Staff]
Anyone wanting to reserve the main library spaces on either the 1st or 2nd floor should contact Wiley Facilities for a Building Request Form.
Anyone wanting to do a presentation in the library that requires something other than a basic projector will need to contact IT directly to reserve the required equipment by filling out the AV Request Form.